
Our resource library spans blogs, case studies, videos and whitepapers. Please feel free to browse through, we’re continually building and updating this library with more assets to cover different applications, industries and technologies. If you don't find exactly what you are looking for, give us a call and we will be happy to help.


Our blog shares and discusses information, trends, ideas and best practices relevant to Australia’s manufacturing industry.

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Stay up to date with all our news: team achievements, industry collaborations and competitions for customers.

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Our whitepapers are highly useful in helping manufacturers understand a particular issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.

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case study

Research your application or industry, and learn why Australian manufacturers choose Matthews. Nothing similar? Call us!

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Technology Selector

Unsure which technology options best suit your application? This tool will guide you. Contact us to spec your application in detail.

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Barcode Learning Centre

In partnership with the AFGC, see insightful presentations by key names from Australia's biggest retailers on all things supply chain standards, automation, the latest industry trends, and more!

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Barcode Learning Centre

Every type of barcode and its use explained, clearly and simply. From ‘what is a barcode?’ to the latest Cross Dock codes.

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Unfamiliar with these high data-capacity barcodes? Learn uses by application and industry. From the basics, to printing.

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Ready to graduate? Test your knowledge and gain certification on barcode, pallet, and packaging standards to ensure your company gets it right, every time.

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Discover our simple-to-use, cloud-based printing tool to generate and print your GS1-compliant carton, crate & SSCC labels. Free.

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